Monday, July 20, 2015

The Readers Book Tag

I came across The Readers Book Tag from Jess at The LittleBookmark. To check out her response to the questions click on the link. After reading her post I thought that this would be a good way to reflect on my own reading habits, so I decided to give it a shot. Here are my answers to the questions. 

Question One: Do you have a certain place at home for reading?
I often read while relaxing on my couch or laying on/in my bed. It is nice to be able to cuddle up under a blanket with my kitten next to me and just get lost in a good story. I also love to read when having a hot bubble bath. 

Question Two: Bookmark or a random piece of paper?
It really depends on what I have handy at the time. Right now I am using my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles bookmark and as you can see it is starting to get a bit worn out.
Question Three: Can you stop reading anytime you want or do you have a certain page, chapter,etc.
Ideally I like to stop at the end/ beginning of a chapter. However sometimes that isn’t possible so I try to at least finish up the page that I am currently reading. 

Question Four: Do you eat or drink while reading?
Yes. I often have a drink nearby. I also enjoy snacking while I read. Something that is easy to pop into my mouth while holding a book like: fruit, popcorn, chips, crackers, candy etc. 

Question Five: can you read while listening to music/watching tv?
I’m normally multi-tasking while online as I read. Especially when I’m reading a book from Kindle for PC. However I don’t usually play music or watch tv as I read. When I do, I find that it’s harder to get into the story and I end up re-reading parts. 

Question Six: One book at a time or several at once?
Most of the time I have at least 2 books on the go. One in either paperback, hardcover or Kobo ebook. And another on my Kindle for PC, which I read on my laptop. 

 Question Seven: Read at home or everywhere?
Everywhere but, mostly at home.

Question Eight: Reading out loud or silently in your head?
Silently in my head. 

Question Nine: Do you read ahead or skip pages?
No, however sometimes if a book is beginning to lag I try to speed up my reading to get past a slow part. 

Question Ten: Breaking the spine or keeping it new?
I try not to break the spine. 

Question eleven: Do you write in books?
That’s a big no! Sometimes I use sticky notes or do jot notes in my journal, but lately I’ve just been using the memo pad on my cell phone. 

Well that’s it for The Readers Book Tag. What are your reading habits? Are they similar to mine or completely different? Leave me a message in the comments. Also if you have completed this tag, leave your link so I can check out your answers. 

NOTE: This is a scheduled post as I will be on vacation for the next 3 weeks (July 12- August 2). I apologize if I am unable to respond right away to comments as I am not exactly sure when I will be able to get internet access. Hope you are all having a great summer.  

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