Friday, January 27, 2017

2017 First Quarter TBR: January- March

Last month as I began the not-so-fun task of packing to move, I realized just how many unread books I had on my physical shelves. Not to mention those I have on my Kobo and Kindle for PC. Many of these books I've had on my TBR for quite some time, years even! Now normally I try to read my books in the order I get them, but since I have started accepting ARCS and review books, many have been pushed back to the bottom of my pile.

For the past couple of months I have stopped accepting any new requests and have been trying to catch up on the books for review, that I fell behind on. This is also giving me the opportunity to read more from my TBR as well. And while I may have time to read more now, come April when my baby is due, I know that it will be harder to find the time to do so.

So in an effort to make a dent on my TBR this year I have been thinking about just focusing on those older books. And then I began to worry that I'd miss out on some great new releases.. Ah reader problems!

But what if I could have the best of both worlds? Make progress with my shelves, while being free to pick up newer books that catch my interest. Well Booktuber Amy from Amy C Books has come up with a solution that would work..

Check out her video for her 2017 Reads: January-March TBR:

In her video Amy shows how she has picked 6 books that she must read during the first quarter of the year. She hasn't set a particular order in which she intends to read them, giving her the freedom to read whichever she likes, as long as she does so between the months of January to March. This also gives her the freedom to read anything else during those months.

I think this is a wonderful idea! I love how it is a no-pressure challenge that helps tackle those seemingly never-ending stacks. So I have decided to give it a try! I am going to start with 4 books and perhaps increase my goal for the second quarter.

Here are the 4 books I intend to complete during the first quarter of 2017:

  1. A Race to Splendor by Ciji Ware (Currently Reading)
  2. Hotel at the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford 
  3. No Safe Harbor (Edge of Freedom, #1) by Elizabeth Ludwig
  4. Explosive Eighteen (Stephanie Plum, #18) by Janet Evanovich 


  1. It's always fun to try a new idea to get you motivated and going. Plus, it'll make you feel productive at the same time. Good luck.

  2. Good luck with your TBR!! "No Safe Harbor" sounds interesting.

    1. Thank you Amy. I read the second book in that series before and loved it. Looking forward to going back and reading the 1st.
